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Wooden Kitchen Utensils


Welcome to my cooking experience page! Here, you'll read about how I spent my summer improving my cooking skills and connecting with my cultural roots. It was a fun journey where I not only made tasty meals but also shared the experience with family and friends. I hope you enjoy learning about the progress I made along the way!​

(My first UHP experience, and a self-designed one, too!)

My Experience

Over the summer, I turned cooking into an engaging and meaningful part of my daily routine. I dedicated a few hours each day to experimenting in the kitchen, focusing on improving my culinary skills and connecting with my cultural heritage. Each session involved everything from chopping vegetables to trying out new recipes, allowing me to get creative while honing my skills.
Instead of creating a traditional cookbook, I chose to document my progress through a WhatsApp chat with my mom and Mrs. Chaitanya. This method made it easy to exchange recipes, receive feedback, and keep the experience interactive and enjoyable. Cooking became more than just preparing meals; it evolved into a way to bond with others and make the process special.
One dish that quickly became a favorite was a simple pasta recipe, which I’m excited to share here. Although it’s not directly tied to my cultural roots, it represents the skills and confidence I gained during this journey. This experience has not only boosted my cooking abilities but also helped me stay connected with the people and traditions that matter most to me. I’m looking forward to continuing to apply these skills and sharing them with others in the future.

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