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A Year of Growth: My First Year at the University of Cincinnati

This has been my best year so far, though it might also be because it's my only year at the University of Cincinnati so far! Every experience, challenge, and new friendship has made it a truly memorable and transformative year. :)


August 12, 2023: The day I stepped out of my house in Dubai and into the college world was a whirlwind of emotions. It was my first time on an international flight, accompanied by a couple of friends, each of us eager to excel in our chosen fields in the US. Responsibilities and relationships took on new dimensions as we transitioned from the comfort of our homes to the independence of college life. We had our own rooms to manage, from cleaning to accommodating our studies, while forging new friendships that remain strong to this day.


The first few weeks were challenging, filled with moments of homesickness; despite knowing I would return in December. I missed the luxury of having everything within reach, but as the weeks progressed, I found myself settling into the new environment. Thanks to the support of friends, the delicious meals at UC's dining halls, and the vibrant celebrations of traditional and cultural festivals at TUC, I began to feel at home. Weekend soccer outings, sometimes even on weekdays, with my classmates, and celebrating birthdays together created a sense of belonging that felt as though it had always been there.

Academically, the fall semester was a period of growth and discovery. I had the pleasure of meeting new people and working on projects that fostered great bonds and learning experiences for all involved. My involvement in the CEAS Tribunal FYE Committee allowed me to contribute to student enhancement initiatives within the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Additionally, I attended info sessions for various clubs to explore my diverse interests. Off-campus, my weekends were dedicated to soccer, fostering both recreation and social connections. Volunteering at cleanup drives and blood drives further enriched my journey, making me appreciate the value of community service.


Surprisingly, a lot of this had only been just in the fall. Coming to the spring semester, I got accepted into the honors program at UC and became part of a gateway class that introduced me to another set of incredible people. This experience paved the way for me to become a UHP ambassador, allowing me to represent the honors program and contribute to its mission. Diving into courses related to my major, Mechanical Engineering, and other subjects, I connected with more friends and professors who continue to be a part of my academic and personal growth.

My involvement in the F1 in Schools team as a manufacturing engineer during my school years had already sparked my passion for mechanical engineering. This passion continued to grow at UC, where I engaged with hands-on projects and innovative ideas. I honed my strengths in honesty, punctuality, and determination through these experiences, which not only defined my capabilities but also guided me as I navigated challenges and pursued ambitious goals.


This year has been a profound journey of personal growth. I learned to balance independence with responsibility, manage my time effectively, and build a support network of friends, mentors, and professors. Each experience, challenge, and triumph has contributed to the vibrant narrative that is uniquely mine. The diverse cultural environment of UC has broadened my understanding of the world, highlighting the significance of cultural sensitivity and the valuable contributions diversity brings to our global community.

Resilience has been a key theme in my journey. The initial weeks of homesickness and the pressure of new responsibilities tested my resilience. However, I demonstrated my ability to adapt and thrive by embracing the support of my friends, engaging in campus activities, and maintaining a positive outlook. I rebuilt resilience by setting realistic goals, seeking help when needed, and staying connected with my support network back home and at UC.


As I reflect on my first year, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences and growth I have undergone.


Looking ahead to my sophomore year, I am particularly excited about starting my first co-op at the IRAS lab under the Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics department at UC in the fall 2024 semester. This opportunity to work in a specialized lab within my own university is something I have eagerly anticipated, and I am thrilled to apply what I've learned in the classroom to hands-on projects. I look forward to gaining valuable experience and building meaningful professional networks within the UC community.
In addition to my co-op, I plan to explore new clubs and events that align with my evolving interests. Engaging in a diverse range of activities will not only enhance my college experience but also provide opportunities for personal growth and connection with others. I am committed to maintaining a strong academic record while pursuing these interests, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling year ahead. With these goals in mind, I am enthusiastic about the new challenges and opportunities that my sophomore year will bring.


My journey at the University of Cincinnati has just begun, and I am excited for the chapters yet to come. With each step, I am committed to making a positive impact, both within the university and the broader community. The experiences of this past year have laid a strong foundation for my future endeavors, and I look forward to embracing new challenges, forging lasting connections, and contributing to the vibrant tapestry of UC.

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